Project Overview

Hospital Management System (CureGenX)

In collaboration with Relox Virtual Labs, I embarked on a transformative journey to revolutionize healthcare diagnostics through intuitive user experience design.

The project aimed to enhance the accessibility, accuracy, and efficiency of pathology reporting, ultimately speeding up the diagnosis and treatment process for patients worldwide.

  • UI/UX Designer
My Contributions
  • UX Research
  • Iconography
  • Hi-Fi Prototypes
  • Brand Creation
Tools Used
  • Figma
  • Axure
  • 12 months

Problem Statement

The existing Hospital Management System (HMS) was outdated and inefficient, leading to high administrative error rates and low patient engagement with the online appointment system. The goal was to redesign the HMS to improve user experience for both hospital staff and patients.


  • Reduce administrative errors.
  • Increase patient engagement with the online appointment system.
  • Create a user-friendly dashboard for hospital staff.
  • Align the system with end-user needs and preferences.

Research and Insights

User Research
  • Conducted 20 in-depth interviews with hospital staff (administrators, nurses, doctors) to understand their workflows and pain points.
  • Conducted 15 interviews with patients to gather insights on their experience with the online appointment system.
  • Analyzed existing HMS usage data to identify common issues and bottlenecks.
Key Findings
  • Staff struggled with complex navigation and manual data entry, leading to frequent errors.
  • Patients found the online appointment system confusing and time-consuming.

Design Process

Wireframes and Sketches
  • Developed initial wireframes focusing on simplifying navigation and improving data entry processes for staff.
  • Created sketches for a streamlined online appointment booking interface for patients.
  • Created interactive prototypes using Figma.
  • Included features like drag-and-drop scheduling for staff and a step-by-step appointment booking process for patients.
Iterative Process
  • Conducted multiple rounds of usability testing with staff and patients.
  • Iteratively refined the design based on feedback, focusing on improving usability and reducing cognitive load.

Visual Design

High-Fidelity Mockups:
  • Designed high-fidelity mockups with a clean, professional look.
  • Ensured consistency in typography, color scheme, and iconography.
Design System:
  • Developed a design system with standardized UI components, ensuring consistency across the application.
  • Elements included buttons, form fields, modals, and icons.

Usability Testing and Feedback

Testing Methods:
  • Conducted usability tests with 10 hospital staff members and 10 patients.
  • Used task scenarios such as scheduling appointments, updating patient records, and booking an online appointment.
Feedback Incorporation:
  • Improved the dashboard based on staff feedback to include quick access to frequently used features.
  • Simplified the appointment booking process based on patient feedback, reducing the number of steps required.
Iterative Process
  • Conducted multiple rounds of usability testing with staff and patients.
  • Iteratively refined the design based on feedback, focusing on improving usability and reducing cognitive load.

Results and Impact

Metrics and Outcomes:
  • 20% reduction in administrative errors.
  • 15% increase in patient engagement with the online appointment system.
  • Highlighted the importance of user-centered design and continuous iteration based on feedback.
  • Recognized the value of integrating user feedback early and often to refine the product.