Project Overview

VG Pharma (Mobile App Design)

Develop a mobile application to enhance user experience, increase user engagement, and streamline the process of managing health care needs. The app aims to provide a cohesive, user-friendly interface that offers holistic endocrine care, personalized treatment plans, and specialized services..

  • UI/UX Designer
My Contributions
  • UX Research
  • Iconography
  • Hi-Fi Prototypes
  • Brand Creation
Tools Used
  • Figma
  • Axure
  • 6 months

Problem Statement

VG Advantage, a leader in holistic endocrine care, aims to provide comprehensive and personalized treatment for diabetes, thyroid, and other endocrine disorders. Despite their extensive range of services, the current digital offerings are fragmented and lack a cohesive user experience. Patients face difficulties navigating the existing platforms, leading to high dropout rates and decreased patient satisfaction. The absence of an integrated solution for managing appointments, accessing specialized services, and receiving personalized health plans hampers the ability to deliver holistic care efficiently. Therefore, there is a critical need for a unified mobile application that can streamline these services, improve user engagement, and enhance overall patient experience.


  • Develop a mobile application to enhance user experience, increase user engagement, and streamline the process of managing health care needs. The app aims to provide a cohesive, user-friendly interface that offers holistic endocrine care, personalized treatment plans, and specialized services.

Research and Insights

User Research
  • Online Surveys: Conducted with 200 existing patients to understand their needs and expectations.
  • In-depth Interviews: Interviewed 30 users, including regular patients, occasional users, and patients who experienced issues with existing services.
  • Observation: Analyzed user interactions through session recordings and heatmaps of the current VG Advantage website and other health apps.
  • Competitive Analysis:- Analyzed Competitors: Reviewed top health care apps like MySugr, HealthTap, and WebMD.
Key Findings
  • Users found current services fragmented and difficult to navigate.
  • High dropout rates in booking and consultation processes.
  • Mobile users faced challenges with the responsiveness and load times of existing platforms.
  • Need for integrated services including pharmacy, exercise regimens, and specialized care.

Design Process

Wireframes and Sketches
  • Low-Fidelity Wireframes: Developed using Balsamiq, focusing on structure and layout for each feature (e.g., appointment booking, health tracking).
  • Iterations: Refined wireframes based on feedback from internal reviews and user testing sessions.
  • Created in Figma, ensuring responsiveness and consistency across devices.
  • Included interactive elements to simulate user interactions.
Iterative Process
  • Enhanced navigation and added intuitive icons based on user feedback.
  • Adjusted the layout for better visual hierarchy and easier navigation.
  • Refined personalized health plan pages to include more comprehensive information and user engagement features.

Visual Design

High-Fidelity Mockups:
  • Created in Figma, ensuring responsiveness and consistency across devices.
  • Included interactive elements to simulate user interactions.
Design System:
  • Developed a design system with standardized UI components, ensuring consistency across the mobile app and admin portal.
  • Elements included buttons, forms, icons, and navigation elements.

Usability Testing and Feedback

Testing Methods:
  • Conducted usability testing with 50 users using moderated sessions and remote usability testing tools.
  • Utilized A/B testing to compare different design elements, such as button placements and color schemes.
Feedback Incorporation:
  • Users appreciated the integrated services and enhanced visual appeal.
  • Suggestions included further improvements in the navigation and personalized features.
  • Mobile users highlighted the improved load times and ease of use.
Iterative Process
  • Enhanced navigation and added intuitive icons based on user feedback.
  • Adjusted the layout for better visual hierarchy and easier navigation.
  • Refined personalized health plan pages to include more comprehensive information and user engagement features.

Results and Impact

Metrics and Outcomes:
  • User engagement increased by 30%.
  • Booking process time reduced by 35%.
  • Customer satisfaction score improved by 20%.
  • Positive feedback on the integrated and responsive design.
  • Gained deeper insights into the integration of multiple health services within a single app.
  • Enhanced skills in conducting comprehensive user research and usability testing.